Web links.
In this page a series of links to web sites containing books, lectures and
other stuff concerning the various branches of the Fluid Dynamics are listed,
without any pretension of completeness.
First of all we have to bring to the attention the book by
Steward, R. H. - Physical Oceanography.
This was the first book published on the web that I had ever seen. It seemed
to me a good idea, especially because in this way a book can be continuously
corrected, improved and extended. A topic such as Fluid Dynamics is almost
impossible to organize in a simple and definitive way. Changes are
unavoidable and, after all, also desirable, if we want to keep a book at
the maximum possible scientific level.
Some years later I discovered the other book by
Tomczak, M. - An Introduction to Physical Oceanography.
For a certain period of time no other books were available on the Web about
Oceanography, at least to my knowledge.
Nowadays, a lot of books or lectures for students do exist on the web. As
soon as possible, I will indicate the web sites where I have found useful